Dr Naomi Sutton welcomes Dr Tristan Barber to talk about the key role of HIV testing in Getting to Zero (i.e. no new infections in the UK), sparking a conversation about how HIV tests work, what they measure, and the importance of getting diagnosed early. Barriers to accessibility of testing is also considered, such as limited funding, especially in areas of lower HIV prevalence. Naomi and Tristan dig deep into stories of missed testing opportunities and its impact on people living with HIV, offering practical advice on how healthcare professionals can offer HIV tests without judgement and as part of routine, standard care.
"Everyone in the UK should know their HIV status. This should be part of standard healthcare. We need to give destigmatising, normalising messages about HIV testing. The fact is that living with HIV is a chronic, manageable condition. And it's much easier to manage if it's diagnosed at an early stage."