Dr Shema Tariq and Bakita Kasadha join Dr Naomi Sutton to debunk the myths and misinformation surrounding the joyous but potentially challenging experience of becoming a parent as a person living with HIV (PLWH). While people with HIV routinely give birth to HIV-negative babies, they are often offered poor advice and limited post-natal support. Shema gives a rundown of the latest infant feeding guidelines from the British HIV Association (BHIVA) and how clinicians can support parents living with HIV while Bakita talks through the Nourish-UK study findings which looks at the experiences of parents with HIV and how they make decisions about feeding their babies.
“If a woman is on treatment, or if a birthing parent is on treatment, the risk of passing HIV onto a baby, something that we call vertical transmission, is between 1 in 500 and 1 in a 1000. […] That's the same as getting nine heads in a row if you toss a coin – so it's really, really unlikely.”
Preventing Vertical Transmission, Terrence Higgins Trust