In this two-part episode, Dr Naomi Sutton and Dr Shema Tariq have a rousing conversation on a topic rarely discussed in public: menopause in persons living with HIV. The first episode begins with Menopause 101: what is menopause and what happens to the body with oestrogen decline. Shema walks listeners through common symptoms like hot flushes, poor sleep, mood changes and dry vaginas; findings from the PRIME study; and how these menopausal symptoms interfere not only with wellbeing and sexual function but the ability of women to manage their HIV. We also learn that a little topical oestrogen goes a long way.
"One in four women will have hot flushes that are so severe that they impact their daily lives and we know it impacts women’s ability to work and also how they function in relationships."
"If people listening to this just take home one thing, it’s to think about topical vaginal oestrogens."