Dr Tom Levett and Dr Naomi Sutton shift the conversation on ageing with HIV, urging a move away from 'frailty' towards a proactive, healthy ageing model. They address misconceptions about "normal ageing"; ways to identify and mitigate against functional decline early in patients; the limitations of FRAX scores; and provide guidance on managing multi-morbidities and polypharmacy - all the while reminding listeners that older adults are still sexual beings.
"Falls are embarrassing, continence is embarrassing, saying you're struggling to get yourself washed and dressed is embarrassing. It’s just allowing a space to say ‘Do you know, actually since I saw you I'm falling over pretty much once a month and I don’t know what’s happening to me.’ In the clinic, I don’t do a lot of clever medicine. I stop a lot of tablets, I listen to people, and I reassure a lot of people that what they’re experiencing is wholly normal."